Insulated pallet covers | Packaging material for refrigerated shipping

frozen fruit

Pallets are almost always used to transport goods. Perishable goods are also generally shipped using pallets. Perishable goods are exposed to various factors during transport, such as temperature differences, humidity and UV radiation. These factors can cause products to lose their quality. To ensure the quality of products, it is important to [...]

What is the best way to ship meat?

Thermal sleeve designed to keep products at the right temperature during transport.

Shipping meat involves certain riskou2019s as there is a chance that the meat may lose its quality during its transportation. This can have harmful effects on consumer health. The Warenwetbesluit Bereiding en behandeling van levensmiddelen (Commodities Act Decree on the Preparation and Handling of Foodstuffs) sets out the conditions that the transport of meat, among others, must [...]
